Foliage Salon Booking
1 h 30 min
13.500 yenes2 h
21.000 yenes1 h 30 min
16.800 yenes1 h 10 min
12.000 yenes1 h
8500 yenes35 min
5500 yenes1 h
8500 yenes1 h 30 min
13.500 yenes30 min
5500 yenes1 h
8500 yenes45 min
8500 yenes1 h
12.000 yenes1 h 15 min
15.500 yenesUsing medium pressure movements with special organic herbal oil and co...
1 h 30 min
13.500 yenesUsing medium pressure movements with special organic herbal oil and co...
1 h 30 min
16.800 yenesA complementary therapy using the reflex areas of the feet which natu...
1 h
8500 yenesA complementary therapy using the reflex areas of the feet which natu...
1 h
8000 yenesUsing a variety of dry massage techniques that will ease muscle tensi...
1 h
8500 yenesUsing a variety of dry massage techniques that will ease muscle tensi...
1 h
8000 yenesCombination of plant formulas and personalised massage delivers beaut...
1 h 30 min
15.500 yenesCombination of plant formulas and personalised massage delivers beaut...
1 h 30 min
12.000 yenes